The S-Unit

Security Awareness

Safety starts with the awareness of people within the organization. With our Security Awareness service, we therefore aim to improve the behavior of employees with regard to cybersecurity. We do this in a concrete way that meets your needs. From a workshop to a targeted (yearly) program.

Why Security Awareness?

Clicking on a link in a phishing email, downloading unsafe software or sharing (confidential) information with people outside the organization. 70% of IT security incidents are caused by employees themselves. They are often insufficiently aware of their role and cybercriminals abuse this.


How do we approach Security Awareness?

We first listen to the real needs of the organization. Is that a training or a short security program or perhaps a yearly program? The program will start with a baseline measurement and we will hold regular evaluation sessions to monitor progress. Of course we ensure that our program is in line with your sector, market, strategy and wishes. This is how you get the best results.

Want to improve awareness of cybersecurity within your organization? Please contact our Security Advisor Team.


The S-Unit supports you in giving substance to your awareness program

Security Awareness trainings

Tijdens de interactieve training laten wij medewerkers zien hoe hackers werken en hoe zij zich hiertegen kunnen beschermen. Liever medewerkers doorlopend trainen? Kies dan voor het Security Awareness Platform.

Capture The Flag (CTF)

Een Capture The Flag hacking event bestaat uit een serie online challenges waarin deelnemers kwetsbaarheden moeten misbruiken om ‘flags’ te winnen.

Various measurement methods

Wij passen meerdere meetmethodes toe om het niveau van security awareness binnen de organisatie te meten en te verhogen. Denk hierbij aan phishingcampagnes per mail of telefoon, onze CLaaS en Kraken tools en mystery guests.

More information about Security Awareness?

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