The S-Unit

Information wants to be free. So we like to share our knowledge with both our customers and the rest of society.
The S-Unit is committed to the community and social initiatives. For example, we organize several CTFs for the community every year and we contribute to digital resilience among children. We do this through our ambassadorship of Hack in the Class and Hackshield and we teach at primary schools. We are also a member of the Information Security Platform and have been involved in Hack in the Box for many years. But we are also socially concerned in other ways. For example, we do pro bono tests for non-profits, hold presentations and open source security tools. Because we feel it is our duty to help society improve.


Hackshield is a game for children between 8 and 12 years old that stimulates digital resilience. Through the game, children are trained to become real cyber agents and is a permanent part of the teaching material of The S-Unit.

Hack In The Box

Tijdens de jaarlijkse Hack In The Box (HITB)-conferences worden ideeën uitgewisseld op het gebied van cybersecurity. The S-Unit vindt het belangrijk om een bijdrage te leveren aan de organisatie van deze conferenties. Want Hack in The Box levert niet alleen kennis uit het zakenleven, maar geeft ons ook informatie over wat er speelt in 'the underground'. Door te investeren in HITB kan The S-Unit die belangrijke informatie doorvertalen in oplossingen voor  klanten. En dat is waar we het uiteindelijk allemaal voor doen.

Hack in the Class

Hack in the Class offers a first introduction to the hacking world at primary and secondary schools. The ins and outs of hacking are explained and students are then allowed to work on this themselves.

Platform voor Informatiebeveiliging

The S-Unit is a member of the platform for Information Security (Platform voor Informatiebeveiliging PvIB) and has been actively participating in this for years by sharing knowledge and ideas.

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