Obtaining the ISO 27001 certification sends a powerful signal about the state of cybersecurity within an organization, both externally and internally. Certification, especially the preparation and maintenance aspects, requires knowledge and effort that might not fall under the daily responsibilities of the internal security team. This is precisely where the cybersecurity experts at The S-Unit come into play. Not only are we certified ourselves, but we have also assisted various organizations across different industries in achieving the same certification. Already certified but approaching recertification or the annual assessment? We are more than willing to help ensure a smooth and efficient process.
Ongetwijfeld zijn er binnen je organisatie diverse werkgroepen en overleggen rond cybersecurity. Een blik van buiten naar binnen – door zowel een defensieve als offensieve bril – kan daarin enorm waardevol zijn. Onze experts participeren daarom regelmatig als extra paar ogen in cybersecurity teams bij diverse organisaties in uiteenlopende branches. In combinatie met onze TN&I dienst – waarbij we je proactief informeren over trends en kwetsbaarheden die we in de buitenwereld zien en die specifiek relevant zijn voor jouw organisatie – brengen we daarnaast waardevolle informatie in die net dat verschil kan maken.
Does your organization have unique requirements, or did you not find exactly what you're looking for in the previous information? Our versatile cybersecurity experts are well-versed in various domains and are dedicated to designing a custom service that aligns perfectly with your organization. Get in touch, and we'll explore how we can provide support tailored to your needs!
Heb je ook behoefte aan security begeleiding & advies, specifiek voor jullie organisatie? Neem contact op met het Security Advisor Team.
In addition to being certified ourselves, The S-Unit also assists organizations in implementing ISO 27001.
Dit is ook te combineren met onze Trends, Nieuws & Inzicht service zodat de organisatie naast het advies, ook direct op de hoogte is van de laatste ontwikkelingen en kwetsbaarheden.
Depending on the specific challenges your organization is facing, we are always ready to brainstorm and provide a tailored solution. Get in touch, and we'll explore how we can provide support!