The S-Unit

Social Engineering

Social engineering is a form of hacking that exploits people and human behavior. It's a collective term for attacks where someone is manipulated into providing information, clicking on a link, installing malicious software, etc.

Why social engineering?

People play a crucial role in security. Just as penetration testing aims to test technical systems, a Social Engineering attack focuses on testing human behavior and organizational procedures. In this way, Social Engineering serves as a benchmark to assess how resilient your organization is against such attacks.


What is the process of social engineering?

Together, we map out which behavior and/or procedure needs to be tested, and we determine the most suitable testing method for that. Additionally, at The S-Unit, it's possible to perform security awareness interventions that align with the test.

Protect your organization and data, and get in touch with our Security Advisor Team.



Een speciaal op uw organisatie toegespitse phishing campagne waarin de reactie van medewerkers op een phishing getest wordt.

Mystery guest

Onze mystery guest brengt in kaart in hoeverre er ongeautoriseerde toegang tot jouw pand en werkruimtes verkregen kan worden en hoe zorgvuldig er met (vertrouwelijke) informatie wordt omgegaan.

Tailored social engineering

The S-Unit offers tailor-made Social Engineering services. Do you have a specific Social Engineering inquiry or are you unsure where to start? Prefer a phone-based Social Engineering attack? Or looking to test specific behaviors? We're here to collaborate and provide guidance.