The S-Unit

The S-Unit steunt veiligheid van ziekenhuizen

In Dutch healthcare, intensive work is being done to help everyone in society in these bizarre times of the corona crisis. At the same time, criminals abuse the situation to attack healthcare institutions and healthcare providers digitally, for example by distributing hostage software or sending spam. Cyber experts in the Netherlands find this unimaginable and take action by uniting in the coalition. We help hospitals to protect Dutch healthcare institutions free of charge and selflessly against digital attacks in times of the corona crisis.

Therefore, website is set up to provide free assistance to all healthcare institutions in the Netherlands that urgently want to use cyber experts throughout the country to continue to provide safe care in this time of crisis.

The S-Unit has also joined this fantastic initiative, which provides assistance to all healthcare institutions in the Netherlands that acutely need cybersecurity help.

Check out the website for more information: